Donations to assist with Liz's Medical Bills

Thursday, May 27, 2010

moving week !!

Well I will be moving in with sister this weekend . She keeps coming over to my house and telling me I don't have that much stuff to do . My mom comes over and tells me I have done next to nothing . I lean more tward mom's thought on the matter . If I was left to myself to pack and clean I would of started 2 months a go . I will pack a box or two then have to take a nap or at least a 0 to 15 min break . Yet , I will say I thought I had done alot of work already . I guess I hide my stuff well , because when it comes out of hiding I have a ton of crap !! I think half the stuff I am moving is stuff I am going to put in mine and sisters garage sale . I mean granted I am a girl there for I have slight shoe fetish but I never realized they would breed under my bed . My Pumas mated with my Poneys now I have Kangaroos . It crazy !!! The worst part is I look at each shoe like it's Salomons child . Give it away would be the right thing but I love the shoe !!! urg ! Why do they make them so darn cute !!! Maybe I will have a walk-a-thon where instead of donations you wear all the pairs of shoes you are going to donate and you do a lap around the feild with all of them tied to you like the back of a " just married " car . Then there could be sprint races in high heels . A slipper suffle for the old folks and mabye a baby bootie bounce off where the babies just bounce in their bouncy chairs . There could be something for everyone . * shivered * ( I just realized how dorky I am =) )

Well any ways so I am moving and for the 1st time ever I decieded to get a truck . I know , I know , I could fit all my stuff in like 9 cars , plus a few random trips . i am over trying to do that . it takes way more time and no matter how good it sounds in your head , it's really not the best idea . I was just cheap or was it that I opted to buy a keg of beer instead in the past to quench everyones thirst who helped me move ? I have actually less stuff now then I did 2 years ago though . I keep purging , all this "stuff " I don't even know why I hold on to some of it . A lot of it is just relentless baggage that I carry from place to place , yet I have no idea why . So as I try to answer that big questions with certian items my pile of " stuff " becomes less and I can feel the freedome of being set free from it . Seriously try it . I started maybe 6 months ago . I turned all my hangers backwards any thing that wasn't turned around I took a hard look at , tried it on , and if I still liked it kept it if not donated . I donated 9 , 10gal bags of clothes to goodwill . I didn't even have the urge to replace the all . Weird miracle ( or it could be the power of the tumor )

If it wasn't for mom yesterday sitting very nicley waiting for me to come out of my chemo fog to tell her how and where I needed help . I know I needed help but I want to know what box stuff goes in so I can find it I like Christmas just fine but not on moving day . So mom 1st was my " bag boy " she baged my panrty for me as I made areas in the front garage sale , storge , and moves . we finished about the same time and I told her I needed a break she agreed . I made some mac n cheese with broccoli in it for her and I , sister stopped by with newspaper and joined in on the meal . After eating we went on a family trip to Home Depot to get rubber storage containers . hehehe I never knew something like that would be such an experiance . I mean full on animated conversations over which one is better and prices and even color . I loved it =) . Hehe . Back at home mom stayed and helped me pack almost the whole kitchen . She is such a trooped ! I still have my room and the bathroom to do but everythings seems to be more do-able now . Love da momma !

Oh and the tomato , pepper and yellow squash starts are looking good !! I am excited for home grow veggies ! My favorite !

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Should be a nice weekend

Well this week was about as normal as I get these days . I felt pretty good for the most part . The nausea is starting to be not as bad . The pills help me eat but I still have a lack of hunger and nothing ever really sounds good . The nurses keep telling me never eat anything you love while getting treatment , it can make you hate it , find it gross , or since the taste buds are all messed up think that it is made wrong or something is off in it . I have made the mistake now a few times . I thought I would have cheesecake bad choice tasted weird ( 1st time I have ate it since the food show when I ate all like 3 bad samples in a row I don't think I will ever eat it again ) A few different cereals Corn pops ( Yuck ! ) frosted flakes ( gross ! ) oatmeal ( strange texture ) chicken noodle soup ( too salty ) I have a few more but as I list them I am sorta getting depressed thinking at what few things I actually will have left to eat . I will be worse than those little kids that only eat chicken nuggets , ketchup and apples .

So with that said guess what I am doing on Sunday ? I am going to a benefit for the Broadway Center . They call it ' Food Stars " it's catered by 6 different restraunts from around town . I am sure that with my small appetite I will have some happy people sitting around me . I found a super cute dress at Ross for less than 20 bucks , shoes at Target - 20 , necklace w/ earring set Sears 18 bucks , wig 40 and make 6 dollars . not to bad I can also wear the dress for a few other things I have coming up . The wig is super cute too !! So happy ! This should be good ! Fingers crossed .

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Well this week has proven that chemo is slowly taking over my body . It is a weird feeling . It's odd I feel like I am getting old in fast / slow motion . I have no idea how to explain this to someone who isn't sick like me . It's a crappy feeling not being able to do what you know you should be able to do . I know I can walk over 2 miles and be fine , no , no I can't right now when I have tried I end up taking a 3 hour nap . I have to split my chores up in to chunks . I will read a chapter then wash a few dishes , read a chapter then sweep the floor , ect . So needless to say I can't wait to be done . I know it takes time I know I need all the naps I know that treatment is grueling but I just wish that it didn't take so long .

ON the other foot .... I get to go down to Embellish next week . Trish the great is going to give me a head scrub . Man I never knew how awesome showers and head messages were until I became bald . I use to be really good about taking 5 min showers now they are like 10 min . I just love the way they feel . I encourage anyone who needs a hair cut , color , perm , or just wants to try a new do to give Embellish Salon a try .

Friday, May 7, 2010

Getting out but not around a lot of people

So part of my treatment is that my immune system will be going down the shiter here in a few weeks . I will not be able to be around a lot of people again . I like to go for walks around town but I crave to hike out in the trees with truely fresh air . My mom and I stopped at REI today on the way home . I found a book of easy day hikes for Rainier and the Penninsula . I am hopeing that I can find all sorts of different friends to do these hikes with . Some are kid oriented , some allow dogs , but they all are outside in our gorgouse pacific northwest . So when ever you want to go for a nice day trip give me a call or e-mail me . I am ready ! I will warn you that I am not a fast walker anymore I still have not been able to build speed . It truelly will be a stroll through the forest or feilds .
cell 253-651-9933

Ruff week

Chemo started last week and I can say that it is slowly kicking my butt . I went today with mom and I was surprised at how fast and smooth it all went . I think it was the fastest I have been in and out of SCCA . i was suppose to get a hearing test but they want my ear canal to not be inflamed when I go . It's inflamed from when I had radiation . We all thought it would have gone away by now but sadly I am partialy def now in my right ear till the swelling goes down . It's a strange feeling to have bad hearing .
On our way up to SCCA we stopped in to Starbucks for a quick snack an so I could have a coffee . As I was looking at he breakfast sandwichs I hear " Liz ? Liz Whitacre ? " I turn around and it was Gloria Binkly !!! I haven't seen her in about 2 years ! My emotions are all crazy , I was so excited to see her I almost cried . I am turning into a emtional basketcase . I was so amazed to see her . It is so funny how a small 5 minute break from what " is " going on can change how you feel for a good chunk of the day .

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May day fun over

May day was great this year at sisters house ! The pole was wrapped by the young and the old . Every one remembered which direction they needed to go . The welcoming to spring is now over so spring and warmer weather can begin !!!
It was a lot of fun to see every ones kids running around playing . Kat's daughter wowed us with her animal noises and kept me laughing as she tried to squirm away . They are so cute at that age !!! Laurels oldest Maddie was showing off her spanish speaking skills to us . We would ask her how to say a color or item of clothing and she would name it . Then she counted to 40 in spanish ! The end to her show was the preforming of sumersaults and kartwheels .
The fire pit was lite a little after 6 to help keep people warm . It was nice to sit around the fire . I was bundled up and toasty . When we started to run low on wood I taught one of sisters friends how to chop wood with the help of Jeff D. it was pretty funny . Dino was pretty proud of himself as well as he should be . He did a great job .
After everyone left sister and I sat around and talked about our favorite moments and had a good laugh .
I woke up on sisters couch this morning feeling a little worn . I can tell when I have socially strained my self and I was a little stained . I found my purse and took my antipuking pills . I honestly can not tell you if they work or not because I hate feeling way enough that I take them on time . My hunger level these last few days has been down again . I am hoping that it will balance out here in a little bit . I have had the energy of a three toed slothe today . I will learn balance . I will learn balance . This will be my mantra for the next leg of my journey .

Saturday, May 1, 2010

starting again

Sister normally takes me to my Seattle Cancer Care appointments but do to things she had planned she did not . So here is the Tale of Dad taking me to S.C.C. .
Dad picked me up at 8:15ish so that we could grab a quick breakfast and head out on to the road . we were pretty lucky traffic wasn't bad at all . We made it uo to Seattle at about 9:15 . Still had about a half hour before my 1st appointment . I flipped through a zine and dad took nap #1 . They cal my name so I follow the nurse to the blood draw room . Blood is done and over with fast . The nurse tells me I have a few minutes before my mri and that I can just rest - nap #1 for me .
I am woken up and taken to a holding type room where the tech tells me that the music listed ob the wall is what I can listen to while in the mri . After ho humming over the list I settle for the Gypsy Kings . THen the tech tells me it was going to be a few more minutes then lays a warm blanket on my lap -nap#2 .
The tech wakes me up and tells me the mri takes about 45 min so if you need to go , go now . I slip back out into the lobby to grab something and dad was cathing up to me know - nap #2 for dad .
The MRI machine at SCC seemed so much loader to me then TG or Alenmor . It also made different noises . AS I lay on the board I practice meditating as a way to not freak out . Then I fell asleep - nap #3 . after about 40 min of being in there they pul me out and inject some contrst into my system and did about 10 more min of xrays .
After that fun . I took dad to my meeting with the dr.'s I got my vitals , weighed , and temp taken . THen had a small learning session on what all the drugs and prescibtions were . My dad and I were thing we would be done by 3ish ..... The dr.s nurse told hime what was on thr board for the day . !st a 5 hour hyrdation bag ( cut to dads face as his eyes first bug out then roll then go to the clock so he could figure how much longer lol ) 2nd vanchristine 3rd cisplatin and then 4th CeeNU ( it's like 24 pills that you have to take with in ten minutes , they taste pretty nasty too . Then they flush the port line and your done . The nurse than proceeds to give me 5 priscriptions to have filled while I get treated .
I take dad up one more floor we sit down and wait not even 5 minutes before they call my name to go to the infusion room . Room 7 I like that room because you have less people around you and noise . I put my stuff in the room and give dad a tour . I show him wher the kitchens are and his eyes light up slighly . I told hoim all this was on me and to help himself . I grabed a water bottle , string cheese and a jello pack . Dad got a nutriagrain bar some cheese water and a soda . When we came back there was Ed all ready with my hydration bag . He told me that he increased the drip and it should only be about 3hrs , Awesome !!! He is so good to me ! I got all comfy on the bed and settle into the idea of a nap . Ed grabbed be 2 warmed blankets . Nap # 3 .
I wake up and dad is cruisin through his book and I feel really nice and rest . Ed comes in and gives me a shot of steriods to help with one of the meds he wil be giving me . I then wonder what all the steriodes they have given to me might do to me .. I hope I don't turn into a cabbage patch doll or garbage pail kid . Shortly after Ed leaves . nap #4 .
I wake up from nap #4 and I see dad napping so I will gues that this nap is #4 for hime also maybe #3 . When I wake I feel the results of the steriods I have a bit more energy . I turn on my little t.v. and watch Fariss Buellers day off . love that movie . ( When cameron was in eygpt land .... let my cameron go .....) ( Do you want a gummy bear ? They are warm they hac=ve been in my pocket all day soooo.... ) shortly after the end of the movie . Ed comes in and informs my that I am done !!! So exciting !!
Now all I have to do is figure out my pill scedule and I will be golden !! I have to remain some what excited and peppy over this crap or the actual reality of it will eat my happiness , and I don't like it when that happens . So what do you do . Put on a happy face and WOOOOOHOOOOO!

May 1st Garage Sale to Benefit Elizabeth

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church is hosting a garage sale to benefit Elizabeth Whitacre
9am to 3pm
Saturday May 1, 2010
You can't come??? Tell your friends/family.

Many people donated items. You need to come by So 12th and Jackson and take a look for yourself. This sale was put together by members of chapter AY, P.E.O.

We are blessed with great friends and family. Thank you "sisters" in P.E.O.

Posted by Liz's mom